When you see the $on top of the buildings if you click one and then go to the next building and click the other one it doesnt register the money. You have to take your time or you do not get the money or the points for it. Also a lot of times when you play the videos for the jams when you click OK for your jam you do not get it. When you go and you hit the button for the mystery box I never get the points for it. When you spin the wheel I would say 10% of the time you get what the wheel gives you I am getting really mad at this game because I put a lot of time and effort into it and you have a lot of problems with this game. Today I was only allowed to get to jams. I was getting up to for now I can no longer get that for the last two days. You have a lot of flaws in this game and you really need to fix them. You are ripping people off. Please fix all of these problems.
Tee bee donuts about Hotel Transylvania 2, v1.1.55